Joined INGEV as a management advisor by April 2016. After Graduating from İstanbul Technical University, majored in Management Engineering, moved to US. Earned a MSc. degree in Computer Science from University of Lowell, Massachusetts; followed by MBA from University of North Florida. Worked on a PhD program in Logistics in cooperation of Bosphorous University and Ohio State University. Worked in Nielsen between 1996-2001; left the company to become one of the founding members of Retailing Institute (A Company of KMG Research) specializing in Retail & Shopper Research. Recently worked as CEO of Ipsos Market Measurement, newly formed global unit headquartered in İstanbul, Turkey.
She has published articles in international Logistics magazines; cited over 100 times in many logistics and finance books and articles. Gives speeches in the areas of Category Management, Shopper Research, Retail Management and Consumer Behavior.