Berrak Kutsoy

Berrak Kutsoy

Berrak Kutsoy graduated from Koç University, Department of Business Administration. She started his business life in BNP-AK-Dresdner Bank in Foreign Transactions Dept. She then completed his MBA in 2001 at London Middlesex University Business School. In 2002, she returned to Turkey, first she worked as Project Manager in Denizbank A.Ş. and Overseas Marketing Responsible of ÜNSA Packaging. Later on, she served as Export Manager Mitterteich in German brand in 2006. Since May 2009, she has been Consultant to the Chairman of the Board of Pegasus Airlines and to the TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Board. Kutsoy is a member of Koç University Alumni Association, a Board Member of GYIAD (Young Executives and Businessmen Association) and a member of TED (Tennis Fencing and Mountaineering Sports Club). Kutsoy speaks English and German. Kutsoy also is a columnist at Startup magazine and mentors start-up companies.

İNGEV, insani gelişmeyi kırılgan toplum kesimlerini güçlendirecek uygulama projeleri, politika kararlarına yol gösteren araştırmalar ve sosyal pazarlama kampanyaları yaparak destekler. İNGEV iş birliğine, ortak akla, teknik kaliteye inanan ve siyasi olmayan bir sivil toplum örgütüdür.

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