“Free but unreliable”: Research on Trust in Social Media

“Trust in Social Media” Research conducted by INGEV TAM in collaboration with Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication has been concluded. The most appropriate definition that can be attributed to social media is “free but unreliable”.

While 56% of society define social media as a “free news source”, 61% think that social media is “full of fake accounts”. The research also points to a “post-truth era” and the reality of an “echo chamber”; one third of the society trust the news on social media if it is compatible with their own opinions.

We also observe the low level of trust in media overall; those who say they trust the traditional and digital media as a source of information do not even reach 40%. However, traditional media tools are one step ahead of social media within Turkish society in terms of trust. This however mostly stems from lack of familiarity with digital tools prevalent in the lower income groups with limited internet access.

Only one out of every four people in Turkey is an “active” user in social media. The fact that the majority consists of passive users means a vocal minority sets the tone in the social media environment in Turkey. A significant majority of society uses social media to “get” and “verify” information.

To read the white paper written by Prof. Halil Nalçaoğlu.

For questions and information, please contact can.cakir@ingev.org

New Level in Our Entrepreneurship Supports

We place emphasis particularly on Entrepreneurship supports among the sources of livelihood. Vocational trainings that are provided without creating workforce competition, without resulting in making one person more advantageous compared to the other within the labour market, and with the basis of correct labour analyses are of great importance without doubt. Such projects conducted by also taking into account the perspective of employer demands provide contribution to the development of livelihood sources. Entrepreneurship is of particular significance in this regard. An enterprise started up correctly, ensured to live and develop may make contribution with a multiplier effect on both employment and economic growth. Thus, we care much about the entrepreneurship support programmes at İNGEV. We will be able to take important steps in regards to entrepreneurship and employment in the year 2020 through the cooperation we established with UNDP. We believe that the present businesses finding new sales channels and support of their digitalisation will provide significant contribution at short and medium terms to the employment of both Turkey citizens and the Syrians.

Sustainable Livelihood Sources for Disabled People

Within the context of İNGEV’s studies, strengthening the livelihood sources of particularly vulnerable society segments play a crucial role. People forced to leave their homes constitute the most vulnerable segments of society. People who were forced to leave everything behind with only a few things they could carry and to escape to a country they do not even speak the language of, with almost no money… In case these people are also disabled, the vulnerability even more aggravated. İNGEV initialised a project aiming for disabled Syrians to reach sustainable livelihood sources. In the project titled “Development of Means of Access of Disabled Refugees to Sources of Livelihood” coordinated by Relief International, the experience of İNGEV in the subject of livelihood sources will be used at maximum extent. Contribution of employers and companies interested in human resources to the project is of great importance.

Raising Effective Awareness

During periods when immigration movements get extraordinarily intense, economic, social and cultural problems increase. Reducing such tensions that may arise among the society due to various reasons, raising social awareness and strengthening social cohesion are objectives that are strategic as much as they are urgent. In the study conducted by İNGEV Social Research Centre (TAM) with persons in charge in nongovernmental organisations and public institutions regarding the Syrians under Temporary Protection Status in the 10 provinces that were impacted the most from immigration, the present mutual cohesion between the two societies and the effective awareness studies conducted were examined. One of the key findings of the study has been that the local populace had uncertainties regarding the immigration wave they faced and that they suffered misinformation, and accordingly many facts thought as wrong or many wrongs thought as fact turned into urban legends without basis. The study presented to the Directorate General of Migration Management in cooperation with Norm Consulting aims to combat against all these prejudices and false beliefs and make contribution to the topic of how to increase social awareness.

İNGEV England Representative

Dr Emre Eren Korkmaz assumed the duty of İNGEV England Representative. Korkmaz, academician at Oxford University, will work on developing the relationships between İNGEV and relevant organisations in England in line with our human development vision.

HDI and Measurement of Sustainable Development Objectives

Preparations for the Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 are underway. The workshop held under the hosting of Marmara Municipalities Union provided the roadmap for the new period context through a wide participation and efficient group studies. Two separate reports will be published within the scope of HDI 2020; for districts (HDI-D) and metropolitan municipalities (HDI-MM). There are significant developments in terms of sub-indexes. The addition of the sub-index of gender and study of environment as a separate topic are among the primary context expansions. Utilisation of an artificial intelligence program for data analyses is also among stipulated developments. Another important development is that a special section will be present in both reports dedicated to sustainable development objectives (SDO). During the studies conducted in cooperation with UCLG, the opportunity to relate HDI and SDOs was defined. HDI-D has been met with widespread interest since its first year, and made significant contribution to the spread of human development concept.

Social Media Reliability, Gender and Social Cohesion

Human Development Monitor (HDM) began the new period in cooperation with İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication. First period topics consist of social media reliability, gender, social cohesion and refugee perception. The reports will begin to be published as of March. İstanbul Bilgi University and İNGEV will share the reports through joint activities. HDM aims to monitor social developments in fields of priority regarding human development and to develop social policy recommendations in line with this. The reports are prepared by assessing a field survey representing Turkey.

Gender Perceptions Research: Is it OK to Slap Women in Particular Situations?

Even though majority in Turkey agrees that inequality of opportunity based on gender exists in the society, we run the risk of accepting it as natural. Only 29% of the society think that men and women have equal opportunities. The majority of men admit that ‘it is more difficult to be a woman in Turkey’, and ‘women face more problems than men do in social life’.

The results of the research conducted in cooperation with INGEV TAM and Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication are released. According to the research, we have come a long way towards the equality, but there is still a long way to go.

Three out of every four people in society don’t think that ‘family unity will be broken when women participate in working life’ and they say that ‘active participation of women in working life will be good for the economy’. On the contrary, about one in four men is of the opinion that ‘if the husband does not allow, a married woman should not work’. Working life is also painful for women. Women (63%3) and (54%) men agree that ‘the women face discrimination at workplace.

Vast majority of the people say they are against violence. On the other hand, there are still a considerable number of people in favor of violence against women in certain situations. Ten percent of men have the idea that ‘in some cases, a woman can be slapped by her husband’. Another critical problem for violence against women is that one out of every four men thinks ‘if a woman is smacked by her husband, she should not tell others’.

For your questions and inquiries about the report: can.cakir@ingev.org

Brand-New Gender Sensitive Labor Market Assessment by INGEV

Brand-New Gender Sensitive Labor Market Assessment by INGEV

INGEV, with the funding and support of Save The Children, conducted an analysis of labour market assessment for vulnerable people living in Istanbul. The report titled “Gender Sensitive Labour Market Analysis” Report aims to empower economically vulnerable young females and males from refugee and host communities through decent work opportunities in order to realize their untapped potential, reduce inequality in their standards of living and contribute to economic development of the whole society. Besides that same report focuses on improving the economic conditions of displaced people in a gender-sensitive manner (i.e. gender equality in education, increasing women’s participation in the workforce, closing the pay gap between women and men, etc.) and look for opportunities to provide decent work both to women and men for more dignified, sustainable and satisfying labour conditions from a gender sensitive perspective.

The report findings also indicate that most promising business sectors for the employment pathway are Food Production; Healthcare Services; Hospitality (incl. accommodation, food servicing, travel operations); information and communication technology; Textiles/Apparel/Shoes; Wholesale and Retail Trade. Favourable occupational groups in these sectors comprise of marketing and sales positions; production and assembly line jobs; repairs and technical support; product development and design roles; logistics and supply chain operations.  

Read full report

HDI 2019 Steering Committee Held

HDI 2019 Steering Committee Held

İNGEV in its first year, has conducted HDI-D (Human Development Index-Districts) in local level in order to measure and monitor human development in 150 districts. By extending its scope, in the year 2017, number of districts reached up to 186. From this year onwards, HDI includes not only districts but metropolitan municipalities.

HDI Steering Committee was held at the Union of Marmara Municipalities. Metropolitan municipalities and districts, scholars, international institutions, NGOs and private sector representatives shared and exchanged ideas about the scope of HDI-D and HDI-M (Human Development Index-Metropolitan). The scope of the research will expand now with new indexes and data resources. The efficient usage of these mediums by the districts in micro-level and it’s being supported by central government and other shareholders increase the quality of life.

İNGEV and UCLG-MEWA recently signed a cooperation agreement to assess UN Sustainable Development Goals as local metrics in relation with HDI-D and the implementation of HDI-D in different countries of Middle East and Western Asia. HDI Steering Committee also shared their thoughts on which fields HDI-D and UN SDGs can match and which data source can be measured.