HDI and Measurement of Sustainable Development Objectives

Preparations for the Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 are underway. The workshop held under the hosting of Marmara Municipalities Union provided the roadmap for the new period context through a wide participation and efficient group studies. Two separate reports will be published within the scope of HDI 2020; for districts (HDI-D) and metropolitan municipalities (HDI-MM). There are significant developments in terms of sub-indexes. The addition of the sub-index of gender and study of environment as a separate topic are among the primary context expansions. Utilisation of an artificial intelligence program for data analyses is also among stipulated developments. Another important development is that a special section will be present in both reports dedicated to sustainable development objectives (SDO). During the studies conducted in cooperation with UCLG, the opportunity to relate HDI and SDOs was defined. HDI-D has been met with widespread interest since its first year, and made significant contribution to the spread of human development concept.

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