Improving the Employment of Urban and Educated Youth Project

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Project Name:  Improving the Employment of Urban and Educated Youth Project

Project Code: 0004

Project Status: Open (Open Project: announced and awaiting for contribution)

Project Goal: The goal of the project is to determine vocational training, flexible working and part-time employment opportunities which will support to minimize the unemployment among urban and educated youth and if necessary to bring forward public policy and regulation recommendations, by examining the employment processes of the private sector and by conducting need analyses.

Project Job List:

  • To do literature review and examine the different examples in the world
  • To define the data types and data collection ways which will be used in the research; to define the need analyses types (workshop, panel, survey, etc) about urban-educated job seekers, private companies and agencies.
  • To conduct the data collection implementation as defined
  • To analyse the data collected
  • With the use of secondary sources, literature and data analyses, to make regulative recommendations about the methods which would facilitate the employment process and increase the employment.
  • To prepare the final study report
  • Visual arrangements: to design the visuals of the materials such as questionnaire, report, etc. and to make them ready to use on website and to be printed.
  • Printing jobs: to do the necessary printing jobs throughout the project period.

Contribution Type: You may want to donate with company funds or personally to this project which is stated as “open” status. And/or you may want to make job contribution by taking the responsibility of the jobs listed on the Project Job List above. Companies may sponsor the whole project or to only one part of it. Please state which ones you would like to do on “Corporate-Brand Contribution” or “Individual Contribution” sections on this website and fill out the necessary areas in the form which is placed on the same page. You may find further information in each section.


Productivity Opportunities at Food Supply Chain and Struggle With Food Inflation Project

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Project Name : Productivity Opportunities at Food Supply Chain and Struggle With Food Inflation Project

Project Code: 0002

Project Status: Open (Open Project: announced and awaiting for contribution)

Project Goal:  The goal of this Project is to follow the price evolution in the selected food product list in the supply chain from the producer to the ultimate consumer, to determine the productivity opportunities and to present to the necessary authorities, the recommendations which will be useful to struggle with the food inflation

Project Job List:

  • To determine the product list which affects most the increase in food prices and which will be the base for the study by examining the time series.
  • To form the methodological frame which will enable to examine the stages through which these products pass until reaching the ultimate consumer
  • To collect the process analyse data and to form the process diagram which will enable to determine the product circle stages, the pricing behaviour at each stage and productivity opportunities according to methodological frame formed
  • To prepare the final study report and the recommendation list
  • Visual arrangements: to design the visuals of the materials such as questionnaire, report, etc. and to make them ready to use on website and to be printed.
  • Printing jobs: to do the necessary printing jobs throughout the project period.

Contribution Type: You may want to donate with company funds or personally to this project which is stated as “open” status. And/or you may want to make job contribution by taking the responsibility of the jobs listed on the Project Job List above. Companies may sponsor the whole project or to only one part of it. Please state which ones you would like to do on “Corporate-Brand Contribution” or “Individual Contribution” sections on this website and fill out the necessary areas in the form which is placed on the same page. You may find further information in each section.


Lower Income Groups Social Policy Research Project

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Project Name : Lower Income Groups Social Policy Research Project

Project Code: 0001

Project Status: Open (Open Project: announced and awaiting for contribution)

Project Goal : The goal of this project is to determine the most effective social policy recommendations by revealing the status in terms of human development standards, the expectations and the consumption behaviours of the lower income groups in our county

Project Job List

  • To do secondary resources and literature review
  • To prepare the questionnaire and sample structure for the field study
  • Data collection
  • Data entry and analyses
  • To produce the statistical tables
  • To write the report: analyses and policy recommendations using the secondary resources, literature and field study
  • Visual arrangements: to design the visuals of the materials such as questionnaire, report, etc. and to make them ready to use on website and to be printed.
  • Printing jobs: to do the necessary printing jobs throughout the project period.

Contribution Type: You may want to donate with company funds or personally to this project which is stated as “open” status. And/or you may want to make job contribution by taking the responsibility of the jobs listed on the Project Job List above. Companies may sponsor the whole project or to only one part of it. Please state which ones you would like to do on “Corporate-Brand Contribution” or “Individual Contribution” sections on this website and fill out the necessary areas in the form which is placed on the same page. You may find further information in each section.


Together, Truly

Human development is a broad concept; it has many variables and there are esteemed civil society groups dedicated to these variables. We at İNGEV first wanted to contribute to the improvement of income distribution, to increase the skilled employment and to fight against poverty. We want to contribute by raising awareness, bringing up recommendations to the decision makers through social policy…

Norway is #1 for the last 12 years…

Norway is chosen once again 12 years in a row to be the most livable country in the world. Norway is followed by a small difference –  Australia and Switzerland comes second and third.

There are three aspects that combine’em all. It is pretty simple:

Health, education and life expectancy.

England comparing to others are stepping up, and came up 14th in rankings. The life expectancy inEngland is right now 14th

  • England is number 14 on the list.
  • When life expectancy in England is 80.7, and is selected 2nd most livable in the world, after Norway with the average of 81.6 age.
  • In education, Australia takes the lead by 20 years according to Human Development Index. Luxembourg is on the 19th place while Qatar ranks 32nd with 13.9 years of education.
  • Japan ranks 19th while war-torn countries like Libya has fallen 27 ranks, so does Syria with 15 ranks and now Libya is #94 and Syria ranks #134.  World’s biggest democracy India is still on a deadlock and ranks #135 while it has the 3rd biggest economy in the world with 1.28 billion population.
  • Some of the very highly developed countries within the Human Development Index are Israel #29, Greece #49 and Montenegro comes last in this category.
  • When we look at the highly developed countries, Turkey ranks #72 followed by Jordan, Serbia, Malaysia.
  • From 106-143 countries, they are labeled as developed countries and those countries are the ones with less life expectancy, education and health. African west coast country “Sao Tome and Principle is a part of this category.
  • One of the least developed country according to Human Development Index is Kenya with 145th spot on the list. This category is also comprised of countries such as as Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Eritrea, Central Africa Republic and Niger.
  • For a better understanding, least developed countries are far more behind those that are very highly developed. For instance, life expectancy in Central African Republic is 30 years less than in England.

United Nations Development Program is 50 years old

United Nations Development Programme that was established by the United Nations to create a global network for the development turned 50 years old.

How well do we know this half-century institution?

Here is a concise history of UNDP…

UNDP in November 22,1965, was established with the partnership of United Nations Special Fund and EP (Extended Programme of Technical Assistance).

In 1971 the two institutions have united under the name of UNDP where United Nations Special Fund helped with technical assistance to expand the coverage area, and the EPA assisted and operated in the economic and political problems of under-developing countries.

Focused on developing countries, to have better living standards, UNDP set out the program with the mission of providing necessary information, experience and resources; and supporting projects on development by collaborating with governments, civil society organizations, academia and business environments.

New York-based UNDP, in 166 countries, has offices supporting the development by working with local governments. UNDP continues to  to help countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

UNDP to promote global development, work on these specific issues below:

– Poverty Alleviation

– Democratic Governance

– Energy and Environment

– Social Development

– Crisis Prevention and Crossover

– Protection of Human Rights and Women’s Empowerment


Happy birthday UNDP!!!

# UNDP50 #UNDP #happybirthday

UNDP hosted “Istanbul Development Dialogue”

UNDP-backed “Istanbul Development Dialogue ” was held in Istanbul, Turkey.

Concerns about global inequality are rising and it continues to demolish the foundations of sustainable development expectations through different channels.

The concept of inequality is not a new concept, however a new question is brought to the attention of the world where not only verbal but real action can be put into practice.

On the other hand, taking into consideration the global perception and  best ways to fight against inequality, the transition of Europe and Central Asia’s emerging economies still haven’t established a mutual relation. In these developing economies as well as in other parts of the world, there are similar inequality and vulnerability problems in hand. That’s exactly what UNDP will draw attention to in its ” Istanbul Development Dialogue” on February, 9-10.

The main topics discussed at the meeting:

-Correct Measurement of Income Inequality

-Exclusion in the LaborMarket, Employment and Social Security

-Gender Inequality

-Inequalities and Health

-Inequalities, Management and Peace Building

-Inequality, Natural Capital and Resource Management

The first World Humanitarian Summit will be held in Istanbul

The countdown has started for the first World Humanitarian Summit that will be held in Istanbul on May 23-24. With United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s global call for action to bring this summit to life, many state leaders are expected to attend. 5000 people are expected to attend this summit whichmultinational corporations, communities affected by the crisis, the private sector, international and national NGOs, youth, civil-military and academic world will be represented at the highest level.

All the three major objectives of the summit, supports UN Secretary General Ban Ki- Moon’s “ We are in the age of Mega Crisis” saying.


– To revitalize the humanitarian principles addiction to universality.

– By setting a concrete road map, help countries and communities be able to provide a better response to crisis and to be prepared.

– To save lives around the world, those affected by the humanitarian crisis be put in the center of action and to share best practices and innovations to alleviate pain.

After United Nations Development Summit: What will happen by 2030?

United Nations member countries in the Development Summit held September2015, agreedto the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SKH) that will helpto end poverty, to fight against inequality and injustice and to fight climate change by 2030.

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark view on the 2030 Agenda: “This agreement marks an important milestone for our world to be more inclusive and to be on a sustainable path. If we all work together, we can meet the requests related to citizens peace, prosperity, better living conditions and at the same time we get the chance to protect the earth. ”

While Sustainable Development Goals was being built on the Millennium Development Goals, inthe year 2000, Millennium Development Goals focused on a number of issues such as poverty, hunger, disease, gender inequality, to reduce the access to water and sanitation.Significant progress was achieved in the Millennium Development Goals. These advancements, goals, and reasonsdemonstrate the value of a supported binder for the purposes in the agenda.

But despite the progress, poverty still has not ended for everyone. New Global Goals and wider sustainability agenda goes beyond the Millennium Development Goals and to find the solution to the main reasons of poverty and providing development that is a universal need for everyone.


So what is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?


– Firstly, to finish every form of poverty.

– To end hunger, and to ensure food security and healthy eating and to develop sustainable agriculture.

– To create healthy lives and to increase prosperity for everyone.

– Ensure inclusive and equitable quality of education and enhance lifelong learning opportunities for all.

– To strengthen all women and girls and to ensure the rule of gender equality.

– Provide access to water and sanitation for everyone.

– Provide everyone economic, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.

– To promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and ensure a decent work and employment for all.

– To build a resistant infrastructure, to encourage production and innovation, and to encourage sustainable industrialization.

– Reducing inequality between countries and people.

– To make cities sustainable, inclusive, secure, and resilient.

– Ensure sustainable methods of production and manufacturing.

– Pass urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.

– Use the oceans in a sustainable way and to use and maintain maritime and marine resources.

– A sustainable way to manage the forests, to strive with desertification and land degradation to prevent the loss of bio- diversity.

– To promote fair, peaceful and inclusive societies.

– To revive global partnerships for sustainable development.

” Employment and Unemployment “, was the center of the World Economic Forum

The world’s largest 15 economies (G- 15), owns 65 percent of the total employment of our planet. Each year the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, the increase in data, artificial intelligence and robots draws attention to the fact that the need of human labor is diminishing as the years pass.From health care to manufacturing, automation to the service provided by the multi-dimensional human being, in all areas that require modern technology, robots are preparing to take the stage. The estimate predicted by United Nations International Labor Organization; is that global unemployment in 2020 will increase by ten million.Research, predicts that 2 out of 3 of the jobs lost in the office and administrative sector is due to intelligent machines gradually becoming more effective in routine work.

This year’s theme of the Davos Summit held January 20-23 was ” The Fourth Industrial Revolution “. From Nanotechnology to robot technology, from biotechnology to three-dimensional printing, all the topics focused on the summit” Future of Works ” report gives the right clues to the future of the world.Even though in all sectorsit seems certain of the loss of jobs, the effect from one sector to another will differ.

The most negative impact was expected to be with the rise of telemedicine, in the health sector, it was followed by the energy and financial services. Women, in general, works in sectors that shows small rise and slowing sectors. This group is expected to lose the most jobs. Accordingly, each of the three men who lost their jobs, will find one job, where the status of women in the same situation being 5 to 1 .