
Final Countdown for World Humanitarian Summit


Less than a week to The First World Humanitarian Summit… WHS will be held 23-24 May 2016 in Istanbul, bringing together governments, humanitarian organizations, people affected by humanitarian crises, and new partners to propose solutions to our most pressing challenges and set an agenda to keep humanitarian action fit for the future.

Ingev visits Seferhisar ve Silivri Municipalities for Agricultural Practices

One of the important projects of INGEV is to support peri-urban agricultural production, and in particular small family enterprises. For this purpose an official visit was organized to Silivri and Seferihisar municipalities by İngev Chairman Vural Cakir and İngev consultants Levent Özkula, Prof. Suleyman Taban and Vildan Samanci. Information gained from these visits will be converted into a business model of successful agricultural projects in order to increase awareness and support at international level.

Silivri Mayor Ozcan Isiklar: “We are here with Ingev Chairman Vural Cakir and our colleagues from the center of Agricultural Production and Research. We explained the work done here. There is now a certain fact accepted by the world. The future will rise again in the hands of agriculture. That’s why the recognition of our project by the United Nations, in this sense, is of great importance, “he said.


What is Human Development?

Beyond the richness of the economies in which the people are living, human development is a concept about thriving of the human life. Human development is an approach focusing on the people themselves and the opportunities they have.

With the finding that the economic growth does not bring automatic growth in wealth for everyone, human development focuses on the role of the people themselves in bringing human life to a better condition. Growth in income is only a tool rather than a final goal.

Human development is about providing more freedom and opportunity to the people for living their lives as they wish. For this, people should be able to improve and use their capabilities.

Human development is a multidimensional concept. The three variables used by UN in Human Development Index (HDI) constitutes the key dimensions of human development. These key dimensions are: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. When these key dimensions are provided at first, the progress and improvement opportunities in other areas of human life will also grow.

Mainly, human development means having more alternatives and more opportunities and this must be the key reference in human development. Nobody can guarantee the happiness of the human being and the choices which people would make in their lives concern only themselves. However, human development at least aims to provide the necessary conditions to all the people individually or collectively for improving their potentials and spending a productive and creative live.


Where does Turkey rank in the world?

The measurement of the human development is one of the top agendas of national and international institutions, academia and the related civil initiatives. Although there are many indexes and measurement techniques in this area; The Human Development Index (HDI) which was created and owned by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) distinguishes itself with its comprehensiveness and integrated perspective. Although the measurement of the human development is a detailed and comprehensive work, HDI is taken as the most common and main reference.

Human Development Index is a measurement done through life expectancy, literacy rate and the standard of living and education. This index shows whether a country is a developed, developing or non-developed country and also it shows in which level the effect in its economy affects the standard of living in that country. The Human Development Index was first developed by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and is being presented by United Nations Development Program in annual Human Development Report since 1993.

Human Development Index considers the below three key dimensions in the countries:

Long and Healthy Life: the measurement is done with the average life expectancy.
Knowledge: the measurement is done with the literacy rate (2/3) and the percentage of the registrations to primary and high schools and universities.
Decent Standard of Living: the measurement is done with per capita income and the calculation of the purchasing power in US Dollar.


Human Development in Our Country

Turkey has been listed in the reports and indexes since the beginning of the publishing in 1990. According to this; although Turkey has been listed among the countries with high level of human development by going up 15 lines especially between 2008-2013, the regression in last three years is remarkable.

187 countries were listed in Human Development Index 2015. The country with highest HDI score is Norway and the lowest HDI score belongs to Niger. Turkey has been listed as 72th in the Index and placed at the human development level. However, there is still much to do for Turkey in human development. For this, contribution to the human development falls first to the public enterprises and also to all enterprises and sectors.


International Organizations


– International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) was established under the United Nations in 1977 as the outcome of the 1974 World Food Conference. IFAD aims to reduce povertyin rural areas in developing countries. The institution’s headquarteris in Rome.



-International Labor Organization (ILO)

ILO is an establishment intended to improve the standards on labor laws of countries and take this practice forward. Only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919, the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers representatives of 186 member States to set labor standards, develop policies and devise programs promoting decent work for all women and men.It is centrally located in Geneva, Switzerland.

ILO Website:

-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

As a private organization of The United Nations, UNESCO was established in 1946. The law of this institution in London in November 1945 was accepted in a meeting attended by representatives of 44 countries. Headquartered in Paris, and the General Conference, the Executive Council, and the Secretariat all being the three organs of UNESCOworks to achieve established goals such as education, science and culture in each of its member states through the National Commissions.

UNESCO Website:


-United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

UNIDO is a specialized agency for Vienna, Austria-based United Nations.It promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The goals are to resolve issues by finding certain project financing available for the development of industry and modernization, new investments, to assure operation of existing facilities, development of human resources, technology transfer and educating scientific staff of the least developed countries with technical assistance covering issues such as raising development issues in an international level.

UNIDO Website:


-World Bank Group (WBG)

The World Bank Group (WBG) was created by five international organizations, with a goal to support developing countriesby leveraged loans . It is the largest and most famous development bank in the world and is an observer at the United Nations Development Group.The bank is based in Washington, D.C.In the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (1 to 22 July 1944) ,Bretton Woods system International Agreement was accepted, followed byWBGearning an official existence on December 27, 1945. The Institution began operations on June 25, 1946, and got approved for the first loan on May 9, 1947. 250 million US Dollars was given to France for post war reconstruction.



The World Bank Group consists of five organizations:

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)was established in 1944 together with The Bretton Woods Agreement and International Monetary Fund. IBRD is an organization that gives loans to the World Bank.  IBRD lends to governments of middle-income and creditworthy low-income countries.Loans granted by the IBRD, improve the functioning of the national economy by developing prepared programs relating highways, schools, hospitals and government investment in infrastructure.

-The International Development Association

The International Development Association (IDA) provides interest-free loans- called credits-and grants to governments of the poorest countries.Together, IBRD and IDA make up the World Bank. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., IDA provides zero interest loans for 35-40 year tem to countries below the poverty line.The loans taken in these countries can be paid in terms of their own currencies. Other than that, to have use in a better way ofeducation, health care, basic services such as clean water and sanitation, IDA supports the investment with reforms aimed at employment and economic development.

The International Finance Corporation

Established in 1956, The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is the largest global development institution focused exclusively in the private sector. We help developing countries achieve sustainable growth by financing investment, mobilizing capital in international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments.

-The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to support economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve people’s lives. MIGA fulfills this by offering political risk insurance to investors and lenders.

The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) was established in1965. Provides international facilities for conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes.  Turkey has joined this organization in 1987.


World Bank Website:

-World Health Organization (WHO)

In 1945, the United Nations conference that was held in San Franciscorecognized in this period that the health of all people was fundamental to ensure peace and security in the world therefore accepted Chinese and Brazilian delegates to arrange a meeting to establish an “International Health Organization” with consensus. The United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Councilprepared for the meeting headed by Prof. Dr. Rene Sard and a technical committee of 15 people. Technical committee determined the agenda of the meeting in a short time, for the future establishment of an international health organization prepared a draft of the constitution and determined the decisions to be taken.


The primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations’ system. Main areas of work are health systems, promoting health through the life-course, incommunicable and communicable diseases, corporate services, and preparedness, surveillance and response.

WHO support countries as they coordinate the efforts of multiple sectors of the government and partners – including bi- and multilaterals, funds and foundations, civil society organizations and private sector – to attain their health objectives and support their national health policies and strategies.


Between July 19-22,1946 at the International Health Conference held in New York, with 51 membercountries representatives of the UN, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), OIHP (Center for International public Health Office in Paris), PAHO, Red Cross, world Federation of Trade Unions and representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation have formed the constitution of the World Health Organization.


Representatives of 61 countries signed WHO Constitution on July 22, 1946. WHO, officially recognized by the Constitution, shall enter into force by at least 26 member states. Meanwhile aninterim committee has chosen to fulfill the WHO function during this period. The Interim Committee has conducted all the tasks for two years. . Yugoslavian Prof. Dr. Andrija Stamper chaired the Search Committee, completing all the work and on April 7, 1948 got approval from the 26 member countries. WHO began when the Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day.There are now more than 7000 people working in 150 country offices, in 6 regional offices and at the headquarters in Geneva.


WHO Website:

-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Office of the United Nations was established by the General Assemblyon December 14, 1950. UNHCR goal is to protect refugees in order to regulate the international movements, to lead and empower them to resolve refugee problems worldwide. The main objective is to defend the rights and welfare of refugees. UNHCRfights to ensure the housing rights of anyone seeking asylum in another state and voluntary return, local integration and with a secure third country resettlement options. UNHCR, over a period of nearly fifty years, has helped up to 50 million people restart their lives.

UNHCR aims to reduce the incidence of displacement by the protection of human rights and by supporting governments and other institutions to create conditions, which are effective in resolving cases in peaceful way. In this context, UNHCR is seeking to strengthen the re-incorporation of refugees who return to their own countries and avoid a repetition of the events that create refugees. UNHCR, main goal is to work with no race, religion, political opinion and gender discrimination and in an impartial manner to provide protection and assistance to refugees and other people in accordance to their needs. Out of all activities,to meet the needs ofchildren and efforts to improve women’s rights are on the top of their list.


UNHCR Website:

World Trade Organization (WTO)


World Trade Organization (WTO) is the legal and institutional body of the multilateral trading system. WTOrevealsdomestic trade lawshow to manage regulations of the government and a legal framework and a platform for the development of trade relations among nations through collective bargaining and negotiations.


The WTO was established on 1 January 1995. The party countries to Uruguay Round completed negotiations in15 December 1993, and in the Moroccan city Marrakech in April 1994, the ministers signed “Final Decision”. April 15, 1994, with the Marrakech Declaration, Uruguay Round has ratified negotiations on Tariffs and seven of the negotiations carried out under “to strengthen the world economy and more trade, investment, employment and the revenue increase” of the Trade and General Agreement (GATT). WTO, is an agreement that shapes negotiations of the Uruguay Round and is the continuing of GATT.


WTO Website:

-United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

UNRISD is an autonomous research institute that prepares policy analysis and multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary development issueswithin the United Nations. Found in 1963 to conduct policy-oriented research on social development, UNRISD, offers regional commissions and specialized agencies and national institutions reports on this issue tothe United Nations General Secretary.


UNRISD Website:

– Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Food and Agriculture Organization, founded in 1943, focuses on eliminating hunger and to improve the nutritional requirements. It is an organization that has become the United Nations’ specialized agency in 1946.  The organization provides and helps the government and technical agencies with agriculture, forestry and fishery projects. Provides technical assistance at the country’s level in such matters. Develops educational projects, conducts research and gives seminars.  The organization consults on issues such as production of agricultural products in the world, consumption, trade and storage, the development of natural resources, and afforestation. FAO keeps statistics and publish them in a newsletter.

The FAO is headquartered in Rome and have many offices in the world. After the 1960s, it has focused more on the development of agricultural products and the elimination of protein deficiency issues. Most of United Nations countries are members of FAO.

FAO Website:

-World Food Program (WFP)

As a joint project of United Nations General Assembly and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’ (FAO), WorldFood Program was founded in 1961 as a joint project and work began in 1963, as a the United Nations organization.

Through food aid and financial aid, WFP works to support the economic development of member countries. The programs major organs are Food Aid Policies and Programs Committee (CFA), with the joint enterprise UN / FAO Administrative Unit. WFP especially aims to correct the immediate problem of the lack of natural food sources.  The goods, money and services offered in the form of grants, is to provide balanced nutrition, to make land valuable and arable, and improve on irrigation.


WFP Website:

-United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF, in 1946 was established with the name United Nations “International Children’s Emergency Fund”, and then in 1954 was given the responsibility, appointed to have publicity for the protection of children’s and create defense projects, to help meet basic needs of children and make sure children’s needsare successfully achieved.The words “International” and “emergency” has not changed despite the deletion of abbreviations.


UNICEF Website:

-United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Established in 1967,UNFPA is an institution and lead UN agency engaged in various activities in the social sense. Its primary objective is to fight poverty in the world. Their income source is financial support from the state.



-International Organization for Migration (IOM)

International Organization for Migration helps in emergencies, refugees to be placed in a new country, assistance for voluntary returns, immigrant health, and money transfers, and promote legal migration options.Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland; IOM is an inter-governmental organization, consisting of 132 member states of the developing and developed countries. In1951, with the name Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) got affected by World War II and helped immigrantsand later took its current form by changing the name.

IOM Website:

-International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

IFRC was established in 1919 based in Geneva, as a humanitarian organization. It is in charge of providing coordination for188 Red Cross and Red Crescent Society related toInternational Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The non-government associated, independent federation has received the Nobel Peace Award in the year 1963 together with the ICRC. 100 million voluntary members support it. Work is guided by seven fundamental principles. There are more activities seen during peace.


IFRC Website:



Turkish Sports Club Galatasaray joins UNDP to End Poverty by 2030

UNDP (The UN Development Programme) signed an agreement with Turkey’s Galatasaray Sports Club to generate additional momentum around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to end poverty by 2030.

In 2015, the world adopted the 17 global goals to end poverty and hunger, empower women and girls, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new global development agenda containing specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.

“Sports can unleash an incredible amount of positive energy for achieving great causes,” said Cihan Sultanoğlu, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) at the signing ceremony. “With support from Galatasaray, the world’s anti-poverty efforts will get an enormous boost,” she added.

“We are proud the club’s reputation as a world-class football team, as an education institution, and as an international sports brand can help tell the world that ending poverty is possible,” said Dursun Özbek, the President of Galatasaray. “This is our chance to get people involved and make a global impact.”

At the signing ceremony, UNDP and Galatasaray also unveiled a public service announcement in which four players – captain Selçuk İnan of Turkey, goalkeeper Fernando Muslera of Uruguay, Aurélien Chedjou of Cameroon, and the Netherlands’ Wesley Sneijder — are seen kicking the ball and urging people to “leave no one behind” in four languages.

UNDP and Galatasaray will raise funds for a diversity of programs to tackle poverty, inequalities and exclusion across the world by organizing football matches and campaigns.

Galatasaray won the UEFA Cup and UEFA Super Cup in 2000, becoming the first and only Turkish football team to win a European trophy. The club’s logo is adorned with four stars, representing 20 victories in the Super League. Based in Istanbul, it also operates a large network of schools and sports facilities. The club has a tradition of embracing social causes in Turkey, having, for instance, set up aid campaigns for victims of a coal-mining disaster and flood-affected communities in 2014 and 2015 respectively.

UNDP has been using football to highlight important global issues, sponsoring an annual Match Against Poverty under the leadership of football legends Zinédine Zidane of France and Ronaldo of Brazil since 2003. The two players are UNDP Goodwill Ambassadors.

RANCHI----JHARKHAND STATE---13 August  2008----A seen of Traffic Jaam at main road of eastern Indian city of Ranchi on August 13, 2008, during two hour "Chakka Jaam" called by Amarnath Yatra Sangarsh Samiti and Vishwa Hindu Parisad for transferring forest land to a Hindu shrine trust.
Photo By--Rajesh Kumar Sen
Photo Journalist
C/o Sen Studio,
15-Purulia Road,Ranchi-834001

World’s third largest economy India Ranks #130 on the Human Development Index

With a population of 1.2 billion, India is the largest democracy in the world according to a survey by Forbes magazine, coming after the United States and China. India has also the most billionaires in the world. According to the results of “World Economic Outlook Database”, prepared by the IMF on October 6 2015, India is the world’s third largest economy ($ 8,027 trillion).  Does this make India rich? Until 1947, before independence, there was almost no billionaire. The question that should be asked is closely associated with the development history of India.

UNDP’s Human Development Index that is prepared annually continues to research India for the last fifteen years. In 1991 India was ranked 133rd , and in 2016 out of 187 countries, it still ranks #130.  With a large population and a small minority benefiting from economic growth;UNDP data also shows that 2.8 billion people try to maintain their lives with 2 American Dollars per day.

The failure to develop a health and education system to cover large audiences in countries like India, cause no improvement within human development index. In fact, India’s Human Development record works in a way our planet functions. 35% of the world ‘s third largest economy represents a group between 5-24 years of age, about 430 million people. The Indian government will allocate an expenditure of only 3.4% on education from the state budget. This fact alone can indicate how little India spends time on human development and inclusive growth.

INGEV Visits Continue…

Ingev visits continue with government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Following the first meeting between Ingev Chairman Vural Çakır and Board Member Tonguc Coban, with UNDP Turkey Managers and Human Development rapporteur Prof. Dr. Erol Kaymaz – in the month of February, an INGEV delegation paid visit to Agricultural and Rural Development Support Agency, the EU Delegation to Turkey and Ministry of Labor and  Social Security in Ankara. Chairman Çakır also introduced Ingev Foundation to ILO, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, and exchanged views on relevant projects.

Ingev Contact Meetings began in March

Ingev contact meetings began in the month of March in order to raise awareness between volunteers and professional-to-bes. Rana Birden Corbacioglu, a very well-known figure in the NGO World, has lectured the audience about civil society dynamics, where Ingev Advisor Binnur Çakır also gave a briefing on the corporate identity of the brand-new foundation. Contact meetings will continue with the participation of specialists from different sectors and fields.

Countdown for INGEV Summit

Ingev Human Development Summit is set for January 25, 2017. Work is underway for the summit program, panelists and business partners.

Need Analysis and Development Opportunities for Family Owned Small Agricultural Enterprises Project

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Project Name: Need Analysis and Development Opportunities for Family Owned Small Agricultural Enterprises Project

Project Code: 0003

Project Status: Open (Open Project: announced and awaiting for contribution)

Project Goal: The goal of this Project is to define the current status and the needs of small agricultural enterprises which are generally operated by the families and to define way and method recommendations which will develop the agricultural production.

Project Job List:      

  • To do literature review
  • To determine the product, geography and scale limits of the project by making the definition of small scale agricultural enterprise and its classification
  • To determine the project data collection type and the necessary sample structure
  • To conduct the data collection by interviewing the agricultural enterprises included in the sample
  • To analyse the data collected
  • With the use of secondary sources, literature and data analyses, to make policy recommendations which will support and develop the family businesses
  • To prepare the final study report
  • Visual arrangements: to design the visuals of the materials such as questionnaire, report, etc. and to make them ready to use on website and to be printed.
  • Printing jobs: to do the necessary printing jobs throughout the project period.

Contribution Type: You may want to donate with company funds or personally to this project which is stated as “open” status. And/or you may want to make job contribution by taking the responsibility of the jobs listed on the Project Job List above. Companies may sponsor the whole project or to only one part of it. Please state which ones you would like to do on “Corporate-Brand Contribution” or “Individual Contribution” sections on this website and fill out the necessary areas in the form which is placed on the same page. You may find further information in each section.
