
Increasing Women’s Access to Opportunities in the Digital World: SheWorks!

The project, in cooperation with The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, aims to support women in Turkey to access opportunities in the digital world through training, capacity building, and job placement activities. SheWorks offers participants 3 different training programs, primarily in digital marketing, web and graphic design, e-commerce, and online marketing.

After the trainings, beneficiaries will receive career support services on resume preparation, interview techniques, and business culture in Turkey. An event will also be organized at a later date to create opportunities to match these women with potential employers and the human resources departments of SMEs.


Virtual Trade Environment for Self-Employed Entrepreneurs: Dukkan

The purpose of the program is to have 300 freelance entrepreneurs and 100 employers (corporate or individual) register to the DUKKAN Freelance Platform, which we previously piloted with UNDP, and to make the platform an active website frequented by clients.

Another critical goal is to establish all the working principles of the platform and systems, such as dispute management.

Work has started on conducting needs assessment for beneficiaries and employers, and on INGEV’s preparation of 5 new training contents for freelancers. Publicizing the platform in the Middle East geography is also one of the critical objectives.


Entrepreneurship Trainings in Şanlıurfa Entered its Third Year!

Within the scope of the “Incubation and Small Grant” Program, which has been running in Şanlıurfa for the last three years, young people continue to receive basic and advanced entrepreneurship trainings.  INGEV, in cooperation with DRC, provides partial grants to entrepreneurs who successfully complete these trainings to cover the costs of setting up their workplaces.

So far this year, one-third of the basic and advanced entrepreneurship trainings have been successfully completed. At the same time, seminars on setting up a company have begun in the cities of Urfa and Kilis, while financial, legal, and business development consultancy services are also being launched.


How Much Importance do we attach to Climate Change as a Country?

Turkey ratified the Paris Agreement, of which it is one of the signatories, in October 2021, exactly six years after its signing. In addition to this vital step in terms of the projection of global climate policy on Turkey, the effects of climate change are being experienced much more frequently and strikingly locally. While the climate crisis has become a part of our daily lives, what is known and done about this issue in Turkey?

In the 24th broadcast of INGEV Chats, which has so far reached more than 1 million viewers, our topic was “Attitudes and Awareness towards Climate Change” from INGEV TAM’s periodic research study named, Human Development Monitor (“IGM”).

“Although there is a very general level of knowledge about climate change in Turkey, this knowledge has not grown deep in society”

More than 40% of the society is not familiar with terms directly related to climate change, such as “carbon footprint” or “greenhouse gas.” Less than half (41%) associate recent fires and floods in Turkey with climate change. 46% of the society has never heard of the Paris Climate Agreement, while another 17% have heard of it but do not know it.

In the INGEV Chats, where the findings were discussed in-depth, Editor-in-Chief of EKOIQ and İklim News, Barış Doğru, and CAN Europe Turkey Climate and Energy Policy Officer Elif Cansu İlhan were the guests of INGEV TAM Director Can Çakır.

Click to watch (only in Turkish)

CAN Europe 2

We’re Members of Europe’s Largest Climate Network!

INGEV became a member of CAN Europe, Europe’s largest climate action network!

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is also known as Europe’s most prominent coalition of non-governmental organizations fighting against climate change, which has an increasing impact on our lives day by day.

With 185 member organizations representing more than 40 million citizens in 38 countries, CAN Europe supports sustainable climate, energy, and development policies across Europe. It also works on various issues, including climate, energy, and financial policies, to contribute to a zero-carbon transition and green and fair transformation.

CAN Europe is also recognized as the voice of civil society across Europe on climate change, as a network that has a voice in both EU climate policies and UN climate negotiations.

We are happy to be a member of CAN Europe. From now on, we will be even more motivated to increase our advocacy-awareness activities, social research, livelihoods-oriented climate policy work, and collaborations on climate change in Turkey.

Click for CAN Europe website:


HDI covers 81 cities & 200 districts this year!

INGEV’s local human development and sustainable development measurement studies, which will cover 2021, continue at full speed.

The study will cover 30 metropolitan cities, 51 cities, and 200 districts. The academic coordination of the project, which consists of the most extensive data collection and analysis study in its field, is carried out by Prof. Murat Şeker, and the project coordination is carried out by Neslihan Sezer.

In addition, Acsight Cloud4Feed became this year’s sponsor for field data collection and data processing.

The study will measure the performance of local governments in terms of sustainable development goals and human development using a large data set.

IGE activities will be organized as a hybrid. IGE-Metropolitan Cities will be held on October 20, while IGE-Cities will be held on January 12, 2023. The first event will occur on October 20 at the Istanbul Maritime Museum.


We Talk Sustainable Development and Human Development on VibioTV!

INGEV Chairman Vural Çakır and INGEV Executive Board Member and Sabancı University IPM Director Prof. Fuat Keyman evaluate daily developments within the framework of sustainable development and human development every week with the title “6 yol/6 Ways”.

The issues that the duo has recently discussed in detail are of great concern to all of us. Sustainable social cohesion with diverse lives, and sustainable solutions to the looming food crisis, Is comedy and sustainability linked: Erşan Kuneri and Attention to the Precariat for Sustainable Development are the most recent ones.

VibioTV, the YouTube channel of ENVA, a social subsidiary of INGEV, is also known as YouTube Turkey’s largest “television,” with 1.38 million subscribers and nearly 30 million unique monthly visitors.

Click to watch: (only in Turkish)

A Day to Click Entrepreneurs with Global Funds: FoundersBoost Demo Day

INGEV opens Turkey’s young and women entrepreneurs to the world! FINSO Holding Limited, Pollective, Sumatrix Biotech,, JobSwire, Startups are embarking on a journey with Foundersboost, one of the most important pre-accelerator programs in the world.

At the Demo Day on June 8, these six startups will make presentations to investors from Europe and the US, and Arda Koterin, co-founder of Insider, one of Turkey’s new Unicorns with a value of 1.3 billion dollars, will also talk about his company’s journey.

Click the registration link for Demo Day (in English)


Save the Date! FoundersBoost Turkey Demoday is on June 8th!

Get ready for June 8th as the #FoundersBoost 2022 Spring Turkey #demoday will be on!
You’ll have the chance to attend demo day pitches online for our #PreAccelerator, meet teams, watch pitches live and network! 
Sign up here:

FoundersBoost (formerly Startup Boost) now in its fifth year, has helped pre-accelerate over 365 pre-seed stage companies from Africa, North America, Asia and Europe. Alumni have progressed to the world’s top tier accelerators and raised $115m in pre-seed funding to date. The program is unique in that it does not take equity or a fee from participating startups.

Each of FoundersBoost’s chapters is supported by their local startup ecosystem. Top entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors volunteer their time to work with these promising companies during the program’s six week duration.

This is going to be our 1st Turkey cohort and thanks to all the mentors and volunteers that make this experience magnificent.

Economic Situation affects Social Cohesion

Through the HUMAN DEVELOPMENT MONITOR (“IGM”) survey conducted in January 2022, INGEV TAM draws attention to several crucial points regarding the economic trajectory in Turkey and its effects on social cohesion.

In the January 2022 survey period, the proportion of those who are at the lowest levels of “happiness in life” increased to 32% from the average value of 24% between 2019 and 2021.

The rate of those who say “I can subsist comfortably” decreased to 15% from 21.7%, the average rate for 2019-2021. Those who say “I believe my economic situation will be better in the coming years” are in the minority (30%) among the population.

Nearly half of the society states that they have an outstanding loan (45%). Consumer loans make up 71% of these loans.

According to the research, economic status has a strong connection with social cohesion indicators such as perceptions of social tension and lifestyle barriers. For example, 46% of those who say “I subsist comfortably” state that their “opinions are represented in politics.” On the other hand, this rate is only 12% among those who “can’t subsist at all.” Moreover, only 11% of those who “can subsist comfortably” state that they have faced obstacles to the lifestyle they want, against 38% of those who “can’t subsist at all.”

Click also for the review by Professor Ege Yazgan:

* Director, Center for Financial Studies (CEFIS) at Istanbul Bilgi University