INGEV’s local human development and sustainable development measurement studies, which will cover 2021, continue at full speed.
The study will cover 30 metropolitan cities, 51 cities, and 200 districts. The academic coordination of the project, which consists of the most extensive data collection and analysis study in its field, is carried out by Prof. Murat Şeker, and the project coordination is carried out by Neslihan Sezer.
In addition, Acsight Cloud4Feed became this year’s sponsor for field data collection and data processing.
The study will measure the performance of local governments in terms of sustainable development goals and human development using a large data set.
IGE activities will be organized as a hybrid. IGE-Metropolitan Cities will be held on October 20, while IGE-Cities will be held on January 12, 2023. The first event will occur on October 20 at the Istanbul Maritime Museum.