The Right Opportunities for Women’s Employment

The unemployment rate in Turkey is very high. Although, women’s participation in employment is almost 30 percent, this rate falls to 17 percent in non-agricultural employment. For Syrian women, participation in working life is much more complex and multidimensional. Vocational training is provided for Syrians through many funds. It is very important that these trainings do not lead to new and even unregistered competition in the labor market. On the other hand, we should also see the danger that vocational training for Syrians will fall into repetition and may not succeed. Therefore, education and employment-oriented activities should proceed in a selective and goal-oriented manner that minimizes these drawbacks. Save The Children is one of the most sensitive organizations in this respect. Now INGEV, with the support of Save The Children, is conducting an analysis of labor opportunities that protects Syrian women.

The Image of Non-Govermental Organizations

Non-governmental organizations play a key role for healthy social development and peaceful democracy. It is possible for NGOs to contribute to the social life of individuals and make decisions together with society. NGOs can also play an important role in solving many problems that the public has difficulty in intervening. In some European countries, in order to be elected as a member of the parliament, a candidate has to have work experience in a NGO. In our country, NGOs with technician quality and supra-politics are developing. However, it is also known that number of NGOs intertwined with politics have increased and such NGOs have easier access to public resources. On the other hand, the fact that some NGOs played a role in the preparation of the July 15 attack on democracy was a depressing problem for the public image of NGOs. INGEV TAM has prepared a research report on the image of NGOs in public.The report reveals that the percentage of those who believe that non-governmental organizations benefit the society and that those who do not believe in society are distributed by almost half and half. This research will provide ample opportunity to generate significant inferences.

Syrian Companies Needs’ Analysis is Completed

Having sustainable livelihoods for Syrians is one of the most important issues of our country. Besides improving country-wide economy and employment, it is important especially when it comes to exporting to Arabic speaking countries and improving the relationship with Syrian diaspora. INGEV Social Research Center (TAM) completed a needs analysis based on interviews with 130 Syrian companies. This study was funded by INGEV TAM. According to previous studies, there has been progress in financial coverage, but entering the Turkish business eco system remains a fundamental need. Syrian Companies emphasize the need for new sources for capital in Turkey (58%) and access to new customers (45%). The report summary will soon be available on the INGEV website.

Our Syrian Companies Database is improving

Companies and businesses established with Syrian capital are important to strengthen social cohesion. In recent years, most foreign based established companies in our country are by Syrians. Taking these into consideration, INGEV Social Research Center (TAM) conducted a study updating the database of Syrian companies. Accordingly, the contact details of a total of 6,106 companies were updated by scanning. The development of the database will allow the projects for Syrian SMEs to proceed more effectively.

Mentoring Support for SMEs

With the support of European bank for reconstruction and development, İNGEV MT started to provide mentoring support to SMEs. The project aims to develop the capacity of companies in targeted fields by working with business owners.

With the central support of INGEV MT team and the guidance of active mentors working in various areas of business life, the program aims to enable SMEs in the program to develop their businesses in at least one targeted area.

INGEV MT (Mentoring and Training Services) Started

INGEV MT identifies business impact as its main mission. Mentors and trainers are active in different sectors. INGEV MT aims to make concrete and measurable contributions to the entrepreneurs. It provides support in areas such as improving entrepreneurs’ eco systems, increasing entrepreneurs’ sales, increasing productivity, strengthening their distribution, increasing their product development skills and increasing their branding capacity.

INGEV MT group complements the work of mentors in areas such as preliminary research, analysis and networking. INGEV President Vural Cakir said “INGEV MT aims to create concrete business impact within entrepreneurship framework instead of at the abstract level”.

Developing our Syrian Companies Database

İNGEV Social Research Center (TAM) goes Full Speed

Developing our Syrian Companies DatabaseDeveloping our Syrian Companies Database.

Syrians established companies have great impact in increasing Syrians contribution to Turkey’s economy and businesses as well as to strengthen social cohesion and integration. In the last years, Syrians have the highest percentage of foreigners establishing companies in Turkey. Taking these into consideration, İNGEV Social Research Center (TAM) conducted a study updating the database of Syrian companies. Accordingly, the contact details of a total of 6,106 companies were updated .

The development and updating of the database will allow Ingev to proceed with more effective initiatives and projects for Syrian SMEs.

Syrian Companies Needs’ Analysis Completed

Syrian Companies Needs’ Analysis Completed

In addition to contributing to the national economy and employment, it is also important in terms of exports to Arabic-speaking countries and the development of relations with the emerging Syrian diaspora.

İNGEV Social Research Center (TAM) completed a needs analysis based on interviews with 130 Syrian companies. According to previous studies, there has been progress in financial coverage, but entering the Turkish business eco system remains a fundamental need.

among the most frequently stated needs of the Syrian companies in Turkey is first the Access to   new capital resources (58%) and to new customers (45%). The report summary will soon be available on the İNGEV website.

NGO Image Research

NGO Image Research

Non-governmental organizations play a key role for a healthy social development and peaceful democracy. The contribution of individuals to social life and the ability of executives to formulate decisions with the participation of the society is possible through NGOs.

NGOs can also play an important role in solving many problems that the government has difficulty in intervening. In some European countries, one  of the condıtıon to be elected as a member of the Parliament, is to prove that you have been workıng actively with the NGOs for a certain period of time . In our country, different NGOs are developing with a technician quality and being politically independent. However, it is also known that the number of NGOs who have intertwined with politics increased and they actually have easier access to public resources. On the other hand, the fact that some NGOs played a role in the preparation of the July 15 attack on democracy created a disruptive and polemic question for the NGOs. İNGEV TAM has prepared a research report on the image of NGOs in public. The report shows that half of the population do not believe in the importance of NGOs and the other hald thinks that NGOs play capital role. His report based on the field study in Turkey will allow civil society organizations to make important inferences.

Syrian Perception Survey

Syrian Perception Survey

Turkey played a key role in a very critic human question as it received more than 3.7 million Syrian refugees. A population of this size, of course, brings with it many issues, especially social cohesion. Stable strategies, clear applications and large resources are needed. In addition to these efforts for refugees, the attitudes and behaviors of the host nationals are decisive. Particular attention should be paid to the tensions that may occur between refugees and the hosting community  in a period when our country is going through  economic bottleneck and when the unemployment reaches high levels.

There is a need for political parties and  leaders to approach the issue with an extraordinary care, to use harmonious language and avoid any provocative speech. İNGEV based on the field work conducted by our field researcher, was able to evaluate the perceptions of our society to Syrians presenting a research report.

In our country, the relations between Turkish citizens and Syrians are among the very most tense social relations as described by our report that is only shared with organizations that may be directly related, because of the sensitivity of the topic.

Dimensions of Cyber Violence

Dimensions of Cyber Violence

İNGEV TAM completed the research report on Cyber ​​Violence. The prepared report based on fşeld research showed that our awareness of the topic is relatively low. Individuals are inadvertently experiencing cyber violence or vice versa, take part in applying cyber violence. We are in the stage where the majority of the society is using mobile and smart phones and in the other hand where the age of use is getting smaller.

The İNGEV Tam Cyber Violence Awareness Report gives us a clue to a potential road map while in the same time determine our current stage in this concern. According to the research, 73% of the public stated that they did not know or knew little about behaviors that could be considered as  Cyber Violence.

Raising awareness is the first step in preventing unintentional cyber violence or against the inability to use defense and protection options in cases of cyber violence. İNGEV plans awareness raising campaigns by evaluating results and clues given by the report.

Capacity Building Trainings Continue

As INGEV, we conducted 6 trainings between February and April 2019. Over 1000 applications were received, 158 Syrian owners, company managers and potential entrepreneurs benefited from our trainings in 6 cities.

Trainings were given in İstanbul, Mersin, Hatay, Konya, Kayseri and Bursa. The training topics consisted of trade language and culture in Turkey, leadership and team building, social media and digital marketing and lastly, presentation techniques. With these trainings, participants will be able to contribute to the capacity development of their companies.

Information Meetings Continued in Şanlıurfa

The work of INGEV GDM (INGEV Entrepreneurship Support Center) is known by many Syrian businesses and SMEs throughout the country. Syrian companies are getting in touch with us to receive consultancy services on different topics while potential entrepreneurs contact us to establish their companies. We, as INGEV GDM, carry out information meetings in cities where Syrians live intensively in order to announce our activities to a wider audience.

Our last meeting was in Şanlıurfa, where most Syrians live after Istanbul. The opening speech of the event, which was held under the auspices of the Sanliurfa Chamber of Industry and Commerce, was made by İbrahim Halil Peltek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ŞUTSO. 35 Syrian business owners attended the meeting, while the financial and legal consultants of INGEV GDM answered the questions of the participants.

We Completed “Capacity Building Trainings”

As you may well know, “Capacity Building Trainings for Syrian Entrepreneurs” have been ongoing for the last 2 months. We started our trainings in Istanbul on February 21-22 and our trainers Levent Özkula and Evren Doğanç offered 4 different modules to our beneficiarie.

The modules are the Commerce Language and Culture in Turkey, Leadership and Team Building, Corporate Communications and Digital Marketing for Company’s and Presentation Techniques. More than 1000 applicants came to the trainings, 158 people were benefited from these trainings. Training participants consisted of Syrian company owners, business executives and potential entrepreneurs. The rate of female participants was over 25% per city.

The trainings are carried out in 6 cities and it is collaborated with INGEV, Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Reyhanli Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Konya Chamber of Commerce Mahir Eller, Konya Red Crescent Community Center, Bursa Red Crescent Society Center, Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center and Abdullah Gül University. We would like to thank all these institutions once again.