We explore barriers and opportunities to re-engage NEET!

INGEV Social Research Center (TAM) launched the Need Assessment Research within the scope of the UNDP NEET (Neither in Education, Employment or Training) Women Project.

An analysis of NEET statistics in Turkey clearly indicates that the issue has a gender dimension. Women are more likely to be NEET. According to TURKSTAT, women have lower access to education than men. The labor force participation rates of women and men with the same level of education differ significantly; 34.4% of women and 72% of men participate in the labor force.

Moreover, NEET women are not a unidimensional group; they are divided into subgroups that differ in terms of marital status, perceptions towards working life, and education level. The Needs Assessment Research aims to identify the barriers to NEET women’s participation in employment and education, to understand their problems for different segments of the population and to define their needs in detail.

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