ActHuman Social Inclusion Initiative, which has been in cooperation with INGEV and Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center for five years, aims to offer solutions to the widespread problem of precarity in Türkiye with its “Precariat and Social Security” Report.
The report, prepared by Prof. Sarphan Uzunoğlu after a series of research, states that precarious work, defined as an unpredictable and risky form of work, is becoming a global norm with every passing year. The problem of precarity in Türkiye and the social and economic problems that may arise on the axis of the expanding “precariat” are defined. Policies that can be produced are opened to discussion.
Approximately 9 million people are estimated to be working unregistered in Türkiye and 1 million people are working under temporary protection. Youth unemployment is around 5.5 million. We can add to these numbers of people who have been excluded from social and economic life, and people who have been isolated from working life on legal grounds. The result is a very large community living precariously.
This level of precarity is a grave danger for healthy human development and social progress.
The report shows the extent of this danger and outlines the social policies that can be put in place to address it.
Click here for the full report.