Ingev Publıshed 11 Prıncıples For Human Development

INGEV has identified the key points that will make human development possible through ongoing efforts.


1-Development for a Good Life 
Development should enhance the quality of human life. The concentration of income in a few hands must end. Distribution should support low-income individuals.

2-Equal Opportunities 
Every person should have high-quality access to essential services such as education and healthcare. Ensuring equal opportunities for children should be a guiding principle.

3-Quality Jobs 
The work environment should be organized and developed in a way that provides everyone with a good life and opportunities for self-improvement.

4-Responsible Marketing 
The promotion of a good life should not be based on status differences, luxury, or overconsumption, and the methods of production that support these should cease.

5-Democracy in Daily Life 
People should be able to participate in decisions that affect them, organize themselves, and express their opinions. Civil society organizations should be supported without political interests.

6-Inclusive Social Life 
Ethnic, religious, gender, and other differences should be seen as the richness of society. Immigrants and minorities should be embraced as part of the communities they live in.

7-Gender Equality 
Gender equality should be a guide for policies in all areas of life.

8-Digital Justice 
Digital and technological advancements should be considered as an area of fair opportunity, not as a new source of inequality among people.

9-Protection of the Individual 
Effective regulations should be implemented to ensure individuals can protect themselves against global technology companies.

10-Living Together 
The principle that humans coexist with all other living beings should be fundamental. Fighting the climate crisis and ensuring a sustainable environment should be everyone’s right and responsibility.

11-Global and Local Democracy 
Governance should be based on the principle of human development. Global democratic organizations should be strengthened to address global issues, including conflict resolution.

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