Women Entrepreneurship Eco-System Meeting was held in TOBB

On April 9th, INGEV, Building Markets and Habitat Foundation organized an eco-system meeting under the auspices of TOBB with the participation of Turkish and Syrian entrepreneurs.

The opening speech of this meeting was given by TOBB Head of Sectors and Entrepreneurship Department, Ozan Acar, Director of Building Markets Turkey, Saral Virgo, The Director of INGEV, Berker Coker and Chairman of the Association of Habitat, Sezai Hazır.

Following the opening speeches, Acar took over the meeting as moderator. He talked with the successful women entrepreneurs of Turkey.

The senior women managers of Turkish NGO’s shared their ideas about what are the needs of more integrated entrepreneur ecosystem.

Syrian women entrepreneurs shared their expectations, lives in Turkey and struggles of establishing business.

INGEV Participated in “Higher Education and Syria Crisis: What is Next?” Conference

INGEV Participated in “Higher Education and Syria Crisis: What is Next?” Conference

in Amman, Jordan on 9-10 April 2019 where over 100 professionals, experts and students from a variety of institutions and initiatives brought together.

Within the conferences, the latest achievements in the higher education sector in the context of the Syria crisis was presented and their impact on students and higher education institutions was analyses, while discussing the various innovative solutions and projects implemented by key stakeholders in the region.

Within the conference, İNGEV Education is a Must Call Center Project was presented as an innovative approach to support access of Syrian student into higher education in the host countries

INGEV Participated in “Higher Education and Syria Crisis: What is Next?” Conference

INGEV Participated in “Higher Education and Syria Crisis: What is Next?” Conference

Corporate Social Responsibility Research From İNGEV: 746 CSR Projects Were Made in One Year

In the scope of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) concept, INGEV has conducted a research to analyze CSR projects of Capital Magazine’s 500 big companies operating in Turkey.
During the research, totally 1420 projects were examined, and while 746 of these projects were categorized as CSR projects remaining 674 projects were excluded since they were found out as either charity, philanthropy or sponsorship.

According to INGEV’s research, the field of education comes forward among companies’ projects conducted in the scope of CSR. For the year examined, %37 of these 746 projects are in the field of education. Projects in the fields of environment (%13), social support (%13) and culture/art (%12) also constitute the main categories of CSR projects conducted in Turkey.

For the year examined, the target group of children comes first among CSR projects in Turkey.
%33 of total CSR projects in Turkey for the year of 2018 target children.
The other target groups following children are respectively large segments of society(%30), youth (%14), disabled people (%12) and women (%8).

Corporate social responsibility approach continues to change and develop in all over the world. For CSR projects, one of the most important issues is the way of how companies make profit rather than how to spend their profits. Though companies’ projects aiming to increase social benefit are valuable these projects are mostly in the scope of charity related endowments. On the other hand, projects in the fields of careful usage of resources during companies’ production, developing environment friendly productions and replacement of consumed resources should be prioritized. Awareness in these areas provides connection between sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Therefore, it is important for companies to approach CSR from this point of view.

In Turkey, though some issues have significant capacity to provide opportunities for development related areas these are lacked in CSR projects. For instance, companies should devote more resources in the areas of environment, production processes and post-consumption recycling.
Moreover, the issues related to elderly caring, development of agricultural sector, animal protection and refugees also draw attention given Turkey’s general conditions.

The Candidates Who are in the Green Zone According to HDI-D and Re-nominated Candidates Won the Election

Local elections are over. All the candidates who were in the “very high human development zone” according to The Human Development Index – Districts (HDI-D) and were re-nominated by their party won the election.

The HDI-D 2018 report covers 186 districts with the highest population within the metropolitan area.

The HDI-D, which consists of components for social, economic and environmental factors at the district level, includes objective indicators of demographic structure, education, health, social life, social inclusion and participation, governance, economic capacity, income and consumption situation, environment, infrastructure and transportation areas. The data consists of a detailed review of local government activity reports and central statistics. The report also includes response and application levels from municipalities with “mystery citizen” study.

Entrepreneurship Information Meetings

“Entrepreneurship Information Meetings” Move Ahead!

In the joint coordination of Building Markets and Habitat Association, INGEV has started the series of meetings, informing Syrian Companies with the support of Sultanbeyli Municipality and Refugees Association (Mülteciler Derneği). Owners of these companies, residents in Sultanbeyli District, have participated to the meetings.

Following the previous meeting held on 27th of December 2018 in Sultanbeyli, we continue “Entrepreneurship Information Meetings” with another get-together held on 16th of January 2019 with the support of Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent) Community Center

“Entrepreneurship Informing Meetings” will continue throughout January and February in the districts which host densely-populated Syrian communities.

Sultanbeyli 27.12.2018

Bağcılar 16.01.2019

HOPES “Suriyelilerin Yükseköğretime Erişimi Semineri” Gerçekleştirildi

“Syrian Refugees’ Access to Higher Education” HOPES Seminars Go On!

As INGEV, we are approaching to the end of HOPES project, conducted with BAUMUS (Bahçeşehir University Urban and Refugee Research Centre) with the support of EU MADAD Fund.

Seminars on the Access of Syrian Refugees to Higher Education continue in cooperation with, SGDD-ASAM, Istanbul Aydın University, TOMER, Avcılar People’s Education Center, Kızılay Bağcılar Community Center.

To the seminars held as a part of “Education is a Must” Call Center Project, young Syrian students have participated.  During these meetings, the barriers on the schooling of refugees and university entrance and the potential solutions were discussed. BAUMUS director, Ulaş Sunata, has given a speech on involving the Syrian youth in the wider and more competitive higher education system, and the importance of comprehensive education.

From SGDD-ASAM Seminar:

HOPES “Suriyelilerin Yükseköğretime Erişimi Semineri” Gerçekleştirildi HOPES “Suriyelilerin Yükseköğretime Erişimi Semineri” Gerçekleştirildi

From Istanbul Aydın University ve TOMER Seminar:




From Avcılar People’s Education Center Seminar:

From Kızılay Bağcılar Community Center Seminar:

INGEV President Vural Çakır Made “Syrians in Turkey” Presentation at IPC-Mercator Panel

With the coordination of Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) Sabancı University and Stiftung Mercator Initiative, panel on “Syrians in Turkey” has been hosted, and a report on “The Role of Civil Society on the Encouragement of Pluralism” was introduced at Minevra Han, Karakoy.

During the first part of the panel, the issues on the present situation of Syrian refugees and the policies executed since their arrival were discussed. The panel continued with topics on health, labor, civil society and its relation to the integration of Syrians.

In the session moderated by Mercator-IPM Research Fellowship Program Coordinator Pelin Oguz, IPM researchers Souad Osseiran and Kristen Biehl, and head of INGEV Vural Çakır have given their speeches.

During his presentation, INGEV President Vural Çakır shared data extracted from the “Potential Areas for Companies Established by Syrians” prepared with the cooperation of INGEV-IPM common initiative ActHuman Social Inclusion Hub. At the end of the panel, Mr. Çakır answered questions related to social cohesion and financial integration of Syrians in Turkey.

INGEV Entrepreneurship Support Center Launched Following an Opening Cocktail

In cooperation with Building Markets and Habitat Association and within the scope of “Refugee Entrepreneurship Support Project”, INGEV Entrepreneurship Support Center Opening Cocktail was organized with the participation of representatives from civil society organizations, INGOs and Turkish business sector.

Representatives from DEİK, Kızılay, İSTESOB, UNHCR, Sultanbeyli Municipality, UnitedWork, SIAD (Syrian Businessmen Association), SEF (Syrian Economic Forum), Syrian Associations Platform, Save the Children, Refugees Association and our project partners from Habitat Association and Building Markets have participated to the opening cocktail.

INGEV Entrepreneurship Support Center gives consultancy and guidance on mentorship, training, establishment and access to business networks for actualizing the business ideas of Syrian entrepreneurs and increase the capacities of existing enterprises.

“Education is a Must” Call Center Project’s Outputs were Shared at an International Workshop

Yaşar University hosted an international workshop titled “Integration of Refugees into Higher Education: Comparative Country Cases” on the 5th of December. With the participation of representatives from different countries’ universities, public institutions, and international organizations, INGEV’s “Education is a Must” Call Center Project’s outputs were shared during an international workshop.

Within the scope of EU Regional Trust Fund, “Education is a Must” Call Center Project has been conducted by INGEV and Bahçeşehir University with the cooperation of HOPES Regional Program, Germany Academic Exchange Services, British Council, Campuse France and Nuffic. The ongoing call center aims to provide counseling support to young potential Syrian students applying for admission to the universities’ undergraduate degrees, sharing information about the application procedures, scholarship and dormitory opportunities, language courses and so on.

“Education is a Must” Call Center Project’s Outputs were Shared at an International Workshop

INGEV-ILO Co-Hosted “Garment Manufacturing Value Chain Analysis in Istanbul” Workshop

International Labor Organization (ILO) and INGEV co-hosted a workshop on December 5th on how to improve new work opportunities for Syrian refugees and host community in the sector of garment manufacturing in Istanbul.

As a part of the project, consulted by Prof. Murat Şeker of Istanbul University, the data driven from the findings of chain analysis research were discussed during the round table meetings with representatives from business sector and civil society.

Associations participated to the workshop:  

-Istanbul Chamber of Industry (İSO) – Mahir Eller

-Textile Employer’s Syndicate of Turkey

-Istanbul Textile & Apparel Exporters Association (İTKİB)

-Turkish Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (TGSD)

-Hosiery Manufacturers’ Association (ÇSD)

-Merter Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association

-United Work


-Suteks Tekstil


-Agen Tex.