

Free services are provided for everyone who wants to improve themselves in entrepreneurship and employment, especially disadvantaged groups.

The İNGEV GDM portal is live with 38 training videos, the very popular “Checklist with Renan” entrepreneurship series, and ready-made templates such as marketing plans, growth plans, pricing plans, and communication plans. Free services are provided to everyone who wants to improve themselves in entrepreneurship and employment, especially women, those supporting the green transformation, people with disabilities, and refugees.

Content is available on the portal in three different languages: Turkish, Arabic, and English. İNGEV GDM will also support entrepreneurs and those who want to increase their employment capacity with webinars, workshops, and field activities to be held every month.

Click here to view the portal:

Vural Çakır: “Improving the living conditions of especially vulnerable groups is İNGEV’s primary mission. We are happy to present the self-learning system, prepared with intense work, years of experience, and effort, to the users. İNGEV GDM will also support users in achieving better conditions with various live activities in the coming months.”

Renan Burduroğlu: “The most important feature of the training on İNGEV GDM is that it reflects market practices in the most up-to-date way. This increases the chance of applying it in daily life. The language options also reflect our principle of inclusivity, aiming not to leave anyone out, especially those in difficult circumstances.”


July 17, 2024, Wednesday

14:00 – 15:30


The event language is Turkish.

Yerel Etki Ataşehir 1

‘Local Impact’ Workshops Continued in Collaboration with Ataşehir Municipality

In these workshops, we address critical topics to ensure more effective participation of disadvantaged individuals from all segments of society in urban life.

We focused on three main issues in the social inclusion workshops held in the municipalities of Eyüpsultan, Sultanbeyli, Fatih, Sultangazi, and Ataşehir.

  1. Identifying disadvantaged groups in the districts and determining their basic needs.
  2. The most effective or innovative supports the municipality can offer to these groups and possible improvements in existing programs.
  3. Increasing the impact of existing social aid and support programs for these groups and further developing cooperation with civil society organizations.

Roma citizens, women, individuals aged 65+ living alone, and disabled individuals are generally the most disadvantaged groups in Ataşehir Municipality, similar to other districts.

The main focus points include the representation of Roma citizens within Ataşehir, ensuring Roma children have equal access to educational opportunities like their peers, integrating individuals aged 65+ into social life without leaving their living spaces, establishing neighborhood-based social service units, localizing data, and empowering women by raising awareness among men.

Our workshops will continue with other district municipalities in Istanbul in the coming weeks.

Breaking the Gridlock


From Vural Çakır on “Breaking The Gridlock”

According to the 2023-2024 Global Human Development Report published by UNDP under the title “Breaking The Gridlock,” Turkiye has risen three places in the Human Development Index, now ranking 45th. However, the report also reveals that Turkiye has fallen 18 places in its ranking on gender equality.

The report emphasizes the need to strengthen human agency, reduce political polarization, and develop aid mechanisms for low-income countries. It also calls on global leaders and civil society organizations to focus on the importance of human development.

INGEV President Vural Çakır has written about this report in a post with the same title as part of his long-running “Matters” series on his Linkedin account.

“Breaking The Gridlock”

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has published the 2023-2024 Global Human Development Report under the title “Breaking The Gridlock.” I also made a small contribution to the preparation of this report, which is very suitable to UNDP’s gracious position and language. If it were up to me, I might have called it ‘breaking the locks.’ Human Development Reports – not merely development – have actually facilitated a fundamental change in the global view of development issues. Thus, they hold historical importance.

Click here to continue reading the article.


INGEV Self-Learning Web Portal is Coming…

INGEV, the most effective organization in our country, regarding the training, consulting, and mentoring of livelihoods for disadvantaged groups, has completed the work on the Self-Learning web portal.

The launch will happen soon. The LSS portal (Livelihoods Support System) portal features numerous video tutorials, checklists, and business development templates. Training will be supported by regular workshops and webinars.

Under the management of INGEV Executive Board member Renan Burduroğlu, the ongoing work focuses on labor market connectivity and speaking from an internal perspective. Collaborations are being made with various organizations interested in Livelihood Resources.

The portal, prepared in three languages, will have its detailed launch within May. In this way, Entrepreneurship, primarily focusing on disadvantaged groups, and training for Livelihood Resources will be connected into a unified system.


Together We Will Succeed: “Eleleyiz” in Hatay and Kahramanmaraş

INGEV’s women’s empowerment program “Eleleyiz” continues to support women entrepreneurs in the provinces of Hatay and Kahramanmaraş. This project, which aids the reconstruction process after the earthquake, takes a significant step towards helping affected women entrepreneurs grow and develop their businesses.

Women entrepreneurs interested in joining the project can apply via an open call method and will be meticulously evaluated by a committee of experts. Within the project, 30 selected women entrepreneurs will be assigned business mentors, and regular meetings will be held to support the creation of business plans. In total, 90 business development mentoring sessions will be conducted under this support.

Additionally, women entrepreneurs who qualify for the project will be offered a training package tailored to their capacities and needs in areas such as market access, financial management, e-commerce, digital marketing, and social media management, to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to grow their businesses. Various events will be organized in the project provinces for women entrepreneurs who will receive grant support, thus strengthening their participation in the supply chain.

Supported financially by Fondation de France, this project aims to uncover the potential of women entrepreneurs and contribute to society. The project, which will last until the end of the year, seeks to support the economic and social empowerment of women.


Early Childhood Development and Responsive Parenting in Turkiye

The INGEV Social Research Center (TAM) is conducting research on behalf of UNICEF Turkiye on ‘Early Childhood Development and Responsive Parenting’. The UNICEF Turkiye 2021-2025 country program aims to identify factors that could negatively affect early childhood development and to reduce these factors. This program targets individual and societal behavior changes to improve children’s health and abilities and to provide a positive development environment.

Despite significant improvements in the status of Early Childhood Development in Turkiye in recent years, there are areas that still need further development. This research aims to support UNICEF’s Social Behavior Change program by conducting an in-depth analysis of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the Turkish population, Syrian refugees, and service providers in this field.

Some key findings from the TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) research include:

  • Between 2017 and 2020, there was an increase in the participation of children aged 3 to 5 in early childhood education. However, between 2020 and 2022, this rate dropped from approximately 40% to 20%.
  • 40% of parents stated that their children did not want to go to school, and 24% cited economic factors as a barrier.
  • It has been observed that many parents in Turkiye do not pay sufficient attention to health issues. Only 22% of children with health problems were reported to have received treatment in the last two weeks.
  • As of 2022, the rate of children aged 0-17 years exposed to any form of violent discipline, including psychological assault or physical punishment, was 54.1%. This rate was even higher for children aged 3-4 and 5-9 years (approximately 59%).
Kadın-İstihdamına-Odaklanıyor_ (1)

ActHuman VI Focuses on Women’s Employment!

In Turkiye, women’s employment and their access to the labor market and livelihoods are becoming increasingly important every day. While women make up 49.9% and men 50.1% of Turkiye’s population, the Household Labor Force Survey results show that in 2021, the labor force participation rate for individuals aged 15 and older was 32.8% for women and 70.3% for men.

Studies in this field not only have the potential to offer new employment opportunities to women from different segments of society but also play a critical role in removing barriers to women’s employment and in the transformation of the labor market.

The ActHuman Social Inclusion Initiative, conducted in collaboration with İNGEV and Sabancı University’s Istanbul Policy Center (IPC), focused on developing strategies to increase women’s employment and participation in the workforce in its sixth year.

A highly participatory workshop with significant representative capability took place in April. At the meeting, attended by 33 representatives from the private sector, public sector, international organizations, civil society, and United Nations agencies, the focus was on barriers and opportunities in women’s employment and what could be done to increase it, with practical solutions being derived.

Some key topics from the workshop include:

  • Developing an approach to make work more compatible with women’s lives (making layoffs harder, improving working conditions).
  • Reviewing prohibited occupations for women and taking action to promote employment in these areas.
  • Amending legislation related to daycare and increasing sanctions for employers who do not provide daycare facilities.
  • Revising legislation from “working mother” to “parenting” and increasing the postnatal responsibilities of fathers. Working on a system where time cannot be transferred between parents.
  • Localizing the issue specifically for provinces and internalizing that the needs of women in one city differ from those in another.
  • Increasing the share of the service sector in production, prioritizing regulations that will boost women’s employment in industrial zones where manufacturing is intense.
  • Developing policies targeting women in the upcycling economy, an important issue in sustainable consumption.

The study, under the academic rapporteurship of Esra Durceylan Kaygusuz, will finalize as a practical social policy document in mid-May and will then be disseminated.


“Local Impact”: Istanbul’s Social Inclusion Map is Out!

In municipal governance, social inclusion plays a crucial role in ensuring the active participation of all sections of society in urban life. Through inclusive practices, communities can benefit more from city planning and local government services.

INGEV launched the “Local Impact” project at the end of 2023 to better represent sensitive groups in metropolitan and district municipalities.

As part of the project, a social inclusion map website featuring 670 organizations that provide social inclusion services was created. Social inclusion training videos will also be available on this website from mid-May. (only in Turkish)

During March and April, Idea Development Workshops were conducted in collaboration with the Eyüpsultan, Sultanbeyli, Fatih, and Sultangazi municipalities. These workshops identified disadvantaged groups in the districts and determined their basic needs, discussing the most effective and innovative support the municipalities could offer these groups. Another focus was on increasing the role of civil society organizations in these services. The workshops will continue in May and June in collaboration with different district municipalities.

Another outcome of this project will be the Social Inclusion Guide, to be published in September. The guide will be disseminated in both print and e-book formats to local governments. Supported by the Dutch Royal Embassy’s Matra Fund, the “Local Impact” project serves a critical function in understanding the conditions of sensitive groups living in different local government areas and developing action steps accordingly.

The views expressed here are those of İNGEV and should not be considered as the official views of the Dutch Royal Embassy.


“Bridges” Guides Entrepreneurs in Şanlıurfa

The Bridges project, supporting the development of Şanlıurfa, continues to play an active role in its fifth year. The project undertakes an important mission to ensure the sustainability of new businesses and to guide entrepreneurs.

By the end of April, under the Bridges project, 103 people completed basic, and 30 people completed advanced entrepreneurship trainings, thus becoming ready to step into the business world. Nineteen people who successfully completed the advanced entrepreneurship training qualified to receive grant support to bring their business ideas to life.

The project will continue until April 2025 to contribute to the economic and social development of Şanlıurfa. With the goal of supporting local entrepreneurs and expanding their businesses, the Bridges Project will maintain its intensive activities in the upcoming period.