The New Year celebration at INGEV was combined with the evaluation of 2022 and wishes for 2023. Employees expressed their new year wishes with a word of their choice.
Those who came to the microphone explained the word they chose, along with their reasons. Prosperity, peace, solidarity, and impact were the most striking words.
Prosperity was a wish for renewal against the economic difficulties that the country experienced in 2022 and which had an impact on each individual.
Peace is an expression of the desire for more harmonious social relations instead of the increased stresses in our daily lives.
The impact is a reflection on our ability to continue our work independently, without being limited by the duration or framework of any single project, and to increase our contribution to the quality of people’s lives, which we have been emphasizing a lot in recent months.
For all this, we need more solidarity.
Once again, we wish everyone a year of prosperity, peace, and solidarity in 2023, in which they can make an impact on social development.