“Who Is S/He Actually?” on the shelves this week!

VibioTV, a social subsidiary of INGEV, is one of the leading YouTube channels in Turkey with a total of 100 million views and 1.4 million followers. It offers video-biographies to an audience between the ages of 18-40.

The book “Who is S/He Actually?” tells the story of 84 celebrities who came into our lives from Vibio’s point of view. It highlights important moments about how their identities were formed and how their lives developed. The texts of the videos, which are also broadcast on VibioTV, are re-edited and published as a book for the reader.

A book that you can understand celebrities from this new perspective and learn lessons for yourself, a book that you can always revisit…

“Who Is S/He Actually?” is on the shelves! The book is published by İnkılap Kitabevi (İnkilap Publishing House).

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