“Fifth Season: Is an Altogether Battle against Disasters Possible?” on November 17

Organized with the collaboration of INGEV, Habitat Association, TEPAV and TÜRKONFED, the “Are we changing?” platform is preparing for its second big online event.

The platform will focus on the management of natural disasters, and specifically the wildfires seen during the summer both in Turkey and throughout the world. It will take place shortly after the UN Glasgow Climate Change Conference that will be held between November 1 and November 12.

The event, “Fifth Season: Is an Altogether Battle against Disasters Possible?” will highlight three critical themes: How are disasters managed across the world? What should be done to create an action plan in this country? What are our specific needs in Turkey? Additionally, Turkey’s approval of Paris climate agreement and also the effects of Glasgow Climate Change Conference will be the other milestones of the event.

Calling out to all climatists!

Online Event participation details coming soon!

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