In cooperation with Sabancı University IPC, INGEV launched the HDI/SDG Metropolitan Municipalities Experience Sharing Platform on 8-9 July 2021. The platform aims to become a hub for municipalities to conceptualize the importance of localizing SDGs and implementing these SDGs according to the 2030 Agenda of the UN.
The first day of the event shed light on how significant SDGs are for the municipalities and how local governments are becoming more crucial in people’s lives.
İNGEV President Vural Çakır, in his opening speech, stated that “Turkey is the most advanced country globally in measuring SDGs at the local level. However, there is still a need to turn this into a guide to carry it to concrete targets. Voluntary SDG targeting initiated by local governments is of critical importance.”
1st panel comprises representatives from international banks such as EBRD and World Bank. The key message is that local governments have become vital players in terms of infrastructure and investment with green content.
Especially 2nd panel’s shed light on the importance of SDGs on the local level. The Lord Mayor of Mannheim, Dr. Peter Kurz, and the Director of “Agenda of 2030” Barcelona, Ramon Canal Oliveras, talked about their cities’ challenges during Covid-19 and their best practices to fight against inequalities. These two cities are also known as the first ones drafting “Voluntary Local Review” reports.
While Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) help local governments share about their progress, experiences and practices on the SDGs, they also help local communities engage with localization in a transparent and accountable way.
On the second day in a closed session, eleven metropolitan municipalities shared their good practices on gender equality, sustainable economy, sustainable environment, governance & transparency. These municipalities also ranked very high in the Human Development Index-Metropolitan Municipalities study by İNGEV.
Please click here to watch the first day of the event. (partially Turkish, partially English)