The Essential Mission of Local Governments: Serving Those Left Behind

The “Yerel Etki” (Local Impact) project, launched as a significant initiative in Istanbul in the field of social inclusion, aims to ensure that vulnerable groups benefit more effectively from local government services. Through this project, substantial steps are being taken to enhance social participation and ensure equal access for all segments of society in urban life.

As part of the project, social inclusion idea development workshops have been held across 10 districts in Istanbul, identifying key elements of social inclusion and devising solutions to address the needs of disadvantaged groups in these areas. Local administrators and civil society representatives jointly evaluated the most innovative and effective support models for vulnerable groups.

A dedicated website,, (only in Turkish) was created for the project, showcasing 670 organizations offering social inclusion services across Istanbul. Additionally, starting in May, social inclusion training videos will be accessible from this site, reaching a broader audience. Another critical output of the project, the Social Inclusion Guide, will be published in September as a printed and e-book version, guiding local governments in sustainable social inclusion policies.

The next step for the “Yerel Etki” project is the “Resilient Communities and Social Inclusion” event, scheduled for November 14 in collaboration with the Marmara Municipalities Union. This event will serve as a key platform to strengthen the efforts of local governments on social inclusion, facilitating information exchange and the development of new solutions across Istanbul and the Marmara region.

The views expressed here reflect INGEV’s perspective and should not be considered the official stance of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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